jueves, 11 de abril de 2013


When in June 2012 the U.S. and Israel made effective its sanction Iran threatened to block the sale of its oil to the world, their main source of income, they thought that this time he would be forced to stop its peaceful nuclear program.They were wrong, Iran had already calculated the consequences and possible solutions to this problem and successfully fought, leaving strategists look bad Jews and Americans.Whenever U.S. and Israel act against Iran, the country with the hopes and immediate response.

When the world banned selling gasoline they responded by building the world's largest refinery and now have the luxury of exporting gasoline.


         The Iranians are a united people almost like the Jews, they all act as one body and that is its strength.No attack, defend, seek to address the problems with great imagination and then beyond, learn quickly, the solutions also very fast and give answers are compelling. It was not even a year and already recovered the level of sales of oil before the embargo and today we export good quality gasoline. Iran is not Iraq or Libya, or Syria, or Saudi. Iran Iran is a unique country, and Russia is Russia and China is China.                   If they block the medicines they produce them, if they block the weapons they manufacture them, if they block the forex trading in gold, if you block them develop parts, sanctions cause the opposite effect to what they expect the sanctions.

FACES LRAN successfully shortage CURRENCY
IRAN manufactures its own warships
  Iran is an obstacle to the hegemony of the empire in the Middle East and a danger to Zionism.

Never saw that his desire is the same atomic bomb but it sanctions, the reasons for the U.S. and Israel is only arresting its development, halting their progress, they want to get stuck in a lesser degree to the development of Israel, that this to exercise dominion and dominance in the region.

But Iran has an agenda and works on them quietly and silently as its strategy, are very skilled and achieve its purpose.

Strategies used judo and aikido, use the force to beat the opponent and look ahead a little edge to act on it.Iran supported the invasion of Iraq. Saddam Hussein was an obstacle to their plans in Iraq, the U.S. was responsible for deleting it, now sell gas to Iraq, and there are many Iranian investment in that country.

The war in Syria is an opportunity for their plans, because in that country formed militia million Iranian style, which will make a small Iran Syria as is the southern region of Lebanon.                                                            

The Israeli military high-tech, tanks, planes, missiles LAST GENERATION, ETC. COULD NOT WITH Hezbollah guerillas

The Iranians are experts in unequal war strategies, as demonstrated in the war between the Israeli army and Hezbollah guerrillas.The guerrilla movement of 3,000 men without aviation, no antiaircraft weapons, no tanks, no navy, no high-tech weaponry, he faced one of the most powerful armies in the world as that of Israel, which possesses advanced weapons, hundreds generation aircraft, etc.                                Israel unable to cope melee, set about destroying civilian homes causing more than a thousand civilians dead and 180 militia (hezbollah soldiers) instead Hezbollah killed 140 Israeli soldiers and 56 civilians.                                                                                                          Iran seeks to develop autonomy and independence do not trust anyone or even Russia or China who their political friends.


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